The 130th Canton Fair is basically ready




At the press conference of the 130th Canton Fair held in Guangzhou on the 13th, Chu Shijia, director of the China Foreign Trade Center, introduced that the 130th Canton Fair is basically ready, and the offline efforts to build a brand boutique exhibition have attracted a large number of domestic and foreign individuals and group purchases. The number of exhibits uploaded by online companies has reached a record high.

The offline exhibition area of ​​this Canton Fair reaches 400,000 square meters, with 51 exhibition areas set up according to 16 categories of commodities, with a total of about 20,000 booths and 7,795 exhibitors. Among them, private enterprises accounted for more than 80%; brand booths accounted for nearly 60%, a substantial increase compared with previous Canton Fairs; nearly 100 overseas exhibitors.

Online, there are about 60,000 booths in this Canton Fair, and about 26,000 Chinese and foreign companies are participating. At present, there are about 2.82 million exhibits uploaded by enterprises, a record high, including about 880,000 new products.

In terms of buyers, a large number of overseas enterprises from the United States, France, Finland, Indonesia and other countries and regions, as well as industrial and commercial organizations such as the American Chamber of Commerce in South China, the Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Corporation, and the Arab Businessmen Forum, all sent delegations to participate in the conference offline. At the same time, the Canton Fair opened invitations to domestic buyers for the first time, and achieved positive results. There were more than 140,000 registered buyers in Guangdong Province alone.

This Canton Fair will be held online and offline for the first time from the 15th to the 19th, during which the first Pearl River International Trade Forum will also be held.


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